Safe Venting

I consider this to be the most valuable tool in this package. Most of us have suppressed anger that you “swallowed” in your past. It is probably the most damaging aspect in people’s lives. If you cannot get it off your chest, it will fester within you. Eventually it will eat you up from the inside, just like cancer, and it is the most prevalent energetic cause for getting cancer. But what are you to do? Expressing it is a major no-no in our society. Enter “Safe Venting!” It is a complete system of being able to get anything off your chest without harming yourself or any other party. If you seriously go through this, your life will be completely different – more magical and with more ease. People will respond to you differently and most of your hassles you currently experience will simply vanish. This is especially helpful if you have any of these situations: being depressed or manic depressive, if you suffer from worry or guilt, if you have ADD or ADHD, if you are compulsive or obsessive compulsive, if you have thoughts of revenge, or if you have been traumatized or hurt in the past.

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